We make Ai Pop

Pop AI works to make artificial intelligence “POP”, popular

Rendering AI accessible for all

We are a no-profit organisation that works towards explaining people and companies the benefit of AI and help them mitigating the risks.

Focussing on Strategic topics

Pop AI promotes informed and safe usage of artificial intelligence technologies in:


Our Projects

We support the European vision of reliable and human-centric artificial intelligence, but we believe that today it is necessary to put the planet at the center and use AI technologies to achieve the 17 sustainable development goals of the United Nations 2030 agenda.

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SMAILE Project

SMAILE (Simple Methods for Artificial Intelligence Learning and Education) is a research project led by the Politecnico di Torino (The technical University of Turin), in collaboration with the University of Turin and the Royal Holloway University of London and several local partners including Pop AI.

The primary target of the project is Generation Z, children born between 1997 and 2010. The project is divided into three sub-projects: GAMES 4 AI, EMP AI and SMAILE APP.

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