Acknowledged by the public and the media as the most important national event dedicated to sharing, reflecting and debating on the issues of education, training and learning in the digital society.

During the event, the fundamental role of the school system in developing transversal, digital and citizenship skills (in the European Year of Skills) was highlighted. This role will be even more important in this era that sees us facing major digital transformations and developments in artificial intelligence.
However, the Italian school system still has to face various challenges, such as education on the use of artificial intelligence so that all involved actors fully understand its potential and can leverage it in the best way, more consciously, especially for training purposes.
The Digital School Conference also discussed work, new skills and new professions that are undergoing increasingly abrupt transformations. In the near future, the world of work will undergo major transformations thanks to AI, in fact it already is. Work will be more focused on the development of cognitive activities, because repetitive ones will be progressively automated, to make way for “augmented humanity”, sustainable and inclusive work.
The theme of work is closely related to that of education and training and concerns the need to prepare young generations for the use of technologies, which is necessary so that both students and teachers understand how the technologies they use work, learn how to relate to them and understand what risks they run and how to manage them, thus also becoming aware of the use made of their data.
The use of technology and devices brings with it the issue of students’ digital wellbeing, an important issue in which it is necessary to learn to distinguish between tools for learning and developing digital skills, and what social networks and related services offer.
Finally, schools, families and society have a great shared responsibility to educate young people on the safe and aware use of artificial intelligence technologies.
Here is a project for teachers and students to learn about artificial intelligence:
Let’s Learn AI in School.
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